

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Kampus Teknologi Informasi

Kampus Teknologi Informasi di Jakarta salah satu nya adalah Universitas Budiluhur, dari sekian banyak Universitas di Jakarta, UBL termasuk dalam kampus terbaik di Jakarta. Universitas Budi Luhur memiliki  filosofi, “cerdas berbudi luhur adalah dua hal yang tidak terpisahkan, kecerdasan tanpa dilandasi budi luhur akan cenderung digunakan untuk membodohi dan mencelakakan orang lain, sebaliknya budi luhur tanpa diimbangi kecerdasan akan merupakan sasaran kejahatan dan penindasan orang lain.”- Drs. Djaetun H.S (Pendiri Yayasan Pendidikan Budi Luhur)
Universitas Budi Luhur Fakultas Teknologi Informasi ada 3 jurusan, yaitu Teknologi Informatika, Sistem Informasi, dan Sistem Komputer. Kampus Universitas Budi Luhur bertujuan mengasilkan tenaga-tenaga terampil dan profesionaldi bidang komputer untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pembangunan nsaional. Agar dapat menghasilkan tenaga yang dapat bersaing nasional maupun internasional. 
Universitas Budiluhur memiliki Laboratorium Komputer dengan nama Lab ICT Terpadu, lab yang mendukung kegiatan perkuliahan mahasiswa ini terdiri dari 12 Laboratorium dan 1 ruangan Asisten.
Perguruan Tinggi di Jakarta ini juga memiliki banyak fasilitas dan layanannya selain Lab ICT. Perpustakaan yang lengkap dan nyaman juga dapat di nikmati oleh seluruh mahasiswa Universitas Budi Luhur.
Kampus Komputer ini juga memberikan beasiswa sampai 2 milyar lho… Jadi bagi anda yang sedang mencari Tempat Kuliah di Jakarta, langsung saja kunjungi situs atau langsung datang ke Kampus Terbaik ini. Yang beralamat di jl. Ciledug Raya, Petukangan Selatan, Jakarta Selatan, 12260, DKI Jakarta. Atau anda dapat juga menghubungi no.Telp 021-585 3753 dan Fax 021-585 3752
Untuk info lainnya bisa anda dapatkan dengan bergabung di Facebook dan Twitter Universitas Budi Luhur 

Universitas Budi Luhur

Cerdas berbudi luhur adalah dua hal yang tidak terpisahkan, kecerdasan tanpa dilandasi budi luhur akan cenderung digunakan untuk membodohi dan mencelakakan orang lain, sebaliknya budi luhur tanpa diimbangi kecerdasan akan merupakan sasaran kejahatan dan penindasan orang lain-Drs. Djaetun H.S
Beliau adalah pendiri dari Yayasan Pendidikan Budi Luhur.
Universitas Budi Luhur merupakan kampus komputer terbaik di Jakarta. Kampus Utama Universitas Budi Luhur terletak di jl. Ciledug Raya Petukangan Utara Jakarta Selatan. Terdapat 7 gedung berlantai 4 dan satu gedung berlantai 5.
Dan Universitas Budi Luhur juga memmpunyai kampus cabang, yaitu Universitas Budi Luhur Kampus B yang terletak di Pusat Niaga Roxy Mas, Blok E.2 No. 38/39 (Jalan KH Hasyim Ashari) dan Universitas Budi Luhur Kampus C Salemba yang terletak di Sentra Salemba Mas Blok S-T (Jl. Salemba Raya No. 34-36, Senen, Jakarta Pusat)
Jakarta Capital Region, Jakarta.

Kampus yang didirikan pada tanggal 1 April 1979 ini memiliki Visi dan Misi sebagai berikut :

Menjadi Universitas unggulan di Indonesia berbasis teknologi Informasi dan komunikasi untuk mencapai standar mutu tertinggi pada tahun 2020 yang menghasilkan lulusan cerdas berbudi luhur

I. Menyelenggarakan pendidikan berbasis kompetensi untuk menghasilkan lulusan yang unggul dan mampu bersaing di Indonesia.
II. Memfasilitasi dan memotivasi sivitas akademika untuk dapat memiliki hak atas kekayaan intelektual sebagai aktualitas pencapaian mutu penelitian.
III. Melakukan kegiatan yang bermanfaat bagi kesejahteraan masyarakat luas sebagai bentuk nyata kepedulian universitas.
IV. Menyelenggarakan kerjasama dengan institusi pemerintah maupun swasta dengan prinsip kesetaraan.
V. Menyelenggarakan perguruan tinggi dengan akuntabilitas, kemandirian dan tata kelola berbasis sistem mutu.
VI. Mewujudkan manajemen akademik yang mampu meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi dan kualitas hidup seluruh sivitas akademika.

Universitas Budiluhur memiliki beberapa fakultas yang akan anda minati, yaitu Fakultas Teknologi Informasi, Fakultas Ekonomi, Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi, Fakultas Teknik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, dan juga Akademi Sekertaris.
Universitas Budi Luhur melakukan peningkatan kualitas dan kepuasan layanan terbukti dengan didapatkannya sertifikasi sistem penjamin mutu internasional ISO 9001:2000 sehingga menjadikan Universitas Budi Luhur sebagai salah satu kampus terbaik di jakarta.
Untuk anda yang sedang mencari kampus terbaik di Jakarta, silahkan buka situs UBL
Info lainnya bisa anda dapatkan dengan bergabung di Facebook dan Twitter Universitas Budi Luhur.

Monday, March 18, 2013

New Slash Solo Album Gets an overwhelming response

born July 23, 1965 that existed with the band Guns N 'Roses, Slash's Snakepit, to Velvel Revolver stated that May 21 2012 is the date that has been set with all the management Slash to release his second solo album, titled' Apocalyptic Love '. From Slash's solo album which was released in 2010 and received an overwhelming response. This makes Slash racing for this second album.

Remembering Kurt Cobain Birth 45 Years

Music fans in the world, especially grunge, of course no one did not know Kurt Cobain, Nirvana's lead singer who was born on February 20, 1967. Unfortunately, Cobain's music career should end simultaneously with the decision to end his life on April 5, 1994., Was a musician who was not ready for a big success. Cobain decided to end his life.

The most influential musicians of his time by his wife, Courtney Love, and a daughter, Frances Bean Cobain. And on the occasion of the birth of Cobain remembered 45 years which falls on Monday (20/2),
1. Cobain already know the music from an early age. The first musical instrument he can get is a set of drawings of Mickey Mouse plastic drum.

2. After his parents' divorce, Cobain went to live with his father in a trailer. In those years, he also received a gift of a mini bike, Yamaha Enduro 80. Every day for a play bike around his residence, and to the attention of the people there.

3. Cobain never abused the mentally retarded schoolmates. but he escaped charges for lack of evidence. She was not able to show people (Cobain) who abused through the photographs in the yearbook because Cobain is not in the picture in the yearbook.

4. Cobain never wanted to mention homage to grunge music. He hated "grunge" long. He prefers to call his music as a stream of punk rock or alternative rock.

5. In 1982, a film of KURT Cobain commits suicide BLOODY. which tells the dark side of Cobain from his parents' divorce. There's a scene where he cut himself with a piece of wrist beverage cans.

6. Cobain claimed descent has a knack for suicide. One grandfather, Burle Cobain (Kurt oldest brother of my grandfather, Leland Cobain) to end his life by firing a .38 caliber pistol in the stomach and head.

7. Based on Kurt Cobain's discography books, Heavier THEN HEAVEN, Cobain's sister said that when Cobain was a kid, he never said he wants to join the Club 27, the club of musicians who died at the age of 27. And he's make it happen!

8. Before the suicide, Cobain wrote a letter to Boddah, imaginary friend from childhood, in a dark room. He then smoked Camel, drinking beer, Barq's, and inject black tar Mexican heroin type into her body.

9. Kurt Cobain Shotgun used to kill himself was Remington-M11 type commonly used hunters shoot ducks and birds. Shotgun type will not make the game broken body. This also causes the head Cobain was not destroyed when a bullet penetrated his chin.

10. Spectacular! About seven thousand people gathered at the Seattle Center park to attend the funeral of Kurt Cobain on April 10. With profound sadness, they all accompany the departure of a rock star who changed the world of music in the 90s.

Cobain and the world lost a respected figure at the time. Unfortunately, he had to end his life at the peak of success in the world as a musician. Well, happy birthday, Cobain! Name and your work becomes a legend that will never be forgotten.

Superman Is Dead For Children Indonesia

Superman Is Dead recently announced it would take to fill a child's compilation album masterpiece AT Mahmud titled Fetch the Moon. Departing from concerns Bobby Kool (vocals, guitar), Eka Rock (bass, backing vocals), and JRX (drummer) and is happening now, that children's song has begun to 'contaminated' by things that do not naturally known by a child.

"We are concerned with children's songs now. They can sing songs that talk about mistresses. And we do not want them to grow more quickly than they should, "said JRX sidelines with HAI in the office chatter Sony Music Indonesia.

Depart from it was also, in addition to invite SID, the label invited several artists under its umbrella to join in compiling these Moon Fetch. By adding shades of punk rock, the song I Am a Child of Indonesia highlight the hallmark of a successful band from Bali. This song ever sung by Michael Jackson with a much different feel.

"When we heard the song sung by Michael Jackson, we were pleasantly surprised. Because once the shades we made much different, "said Bobby.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Girlband singer is a collection of women who were 3 or more. sometimes they bring the songs of K-Pop. This is one of the girlband foreign and domestic :


SNSD (Girls' Generation) was first formed on July 16, 2007 which was formed by SM Entertainment. Girls' Generation is a group of South Korean female singer, they consist of nine members: Taeyeon, Jessica, Sunny, Tiffany, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung, Yoona, and Seohyun. When first formed, their name is Super Girl (female version of Super Junior - Boyband Korea SM Entertainment outputs as well). Before becoming a member of SNSD, they had been trained as a professional dancer and singer, most of whom had been trained in acting and modeling, as well as experience as a model in television and magazine advertisements.

Fans often refer to them as' SNSD, the abbreviation of the name of this group in Korean, "So Nyeo Shi Dae". The official fan club of Girls' Generation named S ♡ NE (소원) taken from the title of the song in their first album. Event M! M.Net Countdown on July 18, 2007 be the first appearance of Girl's Generation. They performed the song "다시 만난 세계 (Into the New World)" was released as the first single Girl's Generation, August 2007. The single also contains two other songs, "Beginning" and "Perfect For You (소원)," and an instrumental version of "다시 만난 세계 (Into the New World)". The title track "Perfect For You" later changed the title as "Honey" in their debut album, Girls' Generation. Single "Into the New World" followed by promotional activities. They appeared on the show on SBS's Popular Songs, Show! MBC Music Core, and on KBS's Music Bank.

2. SOS

Girlband SOS Profile Biography and Facts - SOS is a personnel girlband consisting of 6 beautiful women who have mengikutti Galaxy Superstar talent show and they are participants selected for deployment to Korea for training / training for 6 months, and SOS was formed consisting of 6 talented beautiful woman.

Anggi, Sanni, Disty & febri a Galaxy Superstar participants who fall into the top 20, Kalo Maria & Yeye was entered in 11 large. So only two of them were left kekorea and the other participants did not. However, after the announcement of the winner at the Galaxy Superstar them together in a girlband are currently still while training in Korea. Hear-hear their new will debut next year.

SOS is not a winner of the Galaxy Superstar, the champion is friends SOS also the boyband who had already debuted October 2012 laluyaitu S4 consisting of Smart Alif, Debbi Sexy, Sweet & Sentimental Jeje Arthur. SOS was formed because they do have a very good talent. Evidently, when the SOS became one of the guests at the concert 4minutes dijakarta last October, viewers are excited to see them because they sing with sanag good english. At that time the boyband SMASH also present, but it seems they are less than welcome for a look at the SOS (

Here are the facts of the girlband S.O.S

1. S.O.S stands Sensation Of Stage
2. All members are participants Galaxy Superstar SOS session 1
3. SOS label under YS Entertainment and Rainbow Bridge Entertainment
4. SOS received training during the first year by the Rainbow Bridge Ent. in Korea
5. SOS debut right on Valentine's Day, February 14, 2013
6. SOS consisted of 6 members, namely Mary, Sun, AG, PB, Yeye and JL
7. S.O.S trained by dance teacher 4minutes Hyuna
8. SOS debut song titled "Drop It Low" and "Independent Girl"
9. Their first album titled "Start One Sensation"
10. Drop It Low MV directed by famous director in Korea
11. Composer song Drop It Low is Seo Young Bae
12. Hanhae personnel from a model of the MV Phantom Drop It Low
13. SOS is the sister of the boy band who had debuted S4 first
14. SOS and S4 selected G Market (Online Shoping 1 in Korea) as a partner / fixed model for the Indonesian market, while in Korea alone they work with 2NE1 and Big Bang
15. "Drop It Low" will be released in 68 countries through Arirang TV
16. Set the MV Drop It Low same set used by C-Real "Joma Joma 'and Girls Day" Do not Forget Me "
17. Fandom is a name for S.O.S 911 (Nine One One)
18. SOS is the Leader Mary while Maknaenya (youngest member) is JL

3. 7 Icons

Profile Biodata 7 Icons Girl Band Indonesia - Seven babes affiliation in a Girl Band named 7 Icons is a Pioneer Girl Band Indonesia. They appear as a new breakthrough from the world of music, after all this time Boy Band and Girl Band Indonesia is no longer prevalent in the world of Indonesian music. And is now flourishing, so much. However, despite the multitude of rivals, 7 Icons Girl Band Indonesia is still exist until now. Their most famous song is the song called Play Boy. To the extent that the film is the series that has aired on Trans TV.

Girl Band 7 Icons have their own characteristic, where they have a different character in each personnel. And they also always wear different costumes in every appearance that are tailored to their individual style. It became one of their distinguishing features is much preferred.

4. Princess

Princess girlband formed in mid-2011. Girlband was produced by Kevin Aprilio. Princess girlband consisting of five personnel of a beautiful girl, they are Octarina Ana, Elma Agustin, Rachel Octavia, Alika Islmadina, Danita Vinarosa. "Do not Go" is the first song they spend.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Indonesia Boyband

1. SM*SH

SM * SH or SMASH originally formed by Starsignal on April 10, 2010. SM * SH was originally composed of three persons, namely Dicky, Ilham and Reza. Then Morgan and Bisma entered, followed by Rangga and Rafael. SM * SH stands for Seven Men as Seven Heroes. Heroes mean they want to inspire young people to create positive. A letter is to use a star symbol was inspired from the name of the management of SM * SH Starsignal. They began widely known through his song entitled "I Heart You". This musical group is now composed of seven persons, namely Rafael, Rangga, Morgan, Bisma, Dicky, Reza, and Inspiration.

The genre of music they bring is a pop-dance. Most of them originated from the dancers, there also have background singers, and several other personnel who had joined the band play. By Starsignal, they were included in the training camp. Here they honed their ability in terms of singing and dancing. They are also equipped with the science of public speaking. Training camp lasted for 5 months. Initial foray into the world of entertainment, SM * SH follow dance competition held by Cinta Laura, they are also a dancer in her singles. Then in October 2010, the first single released SM * SH. Single is titled I Heart You. The song was also re-released and arranged by the artist with Opera Van Java Adul named SM # SH (read smosh) and changed the title to Cenat cenut.

In addition, the band also has a starring role in a television series titled Love Cenat cenut aired on Trans TV since February 18, 2011. Boy band ever sang Rihanna's Take a Bow on a live broadcast on the radio is also starting to get advertising contracts from Ace Know Me So Well Telkomsel, they also became a star Sosis So Nice ad. 10 April 2011 they celebrated a birthday Sm * sh for the first time on the show Hip Hip Hura SCTV Carnival Reject Wind 2011 which took place in the field Lumintang Denpasar, Bali. The fans Sm * sh (Sm * shblast) remain desperately screaming hysterically singing along and jumping even though it was in the pouring rain. On March 6, 2011, Sm * sh released two singles titled Smile and spirit, they first show directly that type of music tracks electronica / eurodance music at the event Inbox SCTV, consequently occupies song charts tertasa Indonesia.

In the event, the event peghargaan Indonesian music, SCTV Music Awards 2011, Sm * sh was not nominated as a new band on the rise in 2011, but SCTV invite Sm * sh to read the nominees' Album Newcomer Duo / Group ". They also brought major debut single titled I Heart You, the song is sung as a solo singer Afgan, in addition, they also sing smile and spirit. At the launch of the official website to unite their fans (Sm * shblast) they said they would finish his first studio album which will contain 9 songs in them.

My girl song sung by Sm * sh in music shows Strikes RCTI on 18 April 2011, is recycled from the song belongs Trio Libels were popular in the era of 1989's. Bens Leo as music observers find this song for Sm * sh after ensuring copyrighted the song and will be included in his first album Sm * sh. In addition, from the album titled Bebi Bebi Romeo Romeo Various Artists who have released and involve a variety of performers also includes Sm * sh in a song called I Love You and Him.

Despite the initial appearance received many blasphemies and insults. But slowly but surely started to show the quality boyband SMASH and start earning a place in the music scene in Indonesia.

2. Coboy Junior

Coboy Junior is a band from Indonesia which was formed on July 23, 2011. Music group consists of four people: Aldi, Bastian, Kiki and Iqbaal. This genre of pop music group. coboy junior fans called Comate which means coboy junior mate. and they are under the auspices of INBEK management and MSN.


Fame is a music group from Indonesia which was formed in 2011. Music group consists of 7 people: Xander, Val, Thom, JJ, NC, Alex and Xing. This music genre pop.Grup Group was formed on September 4, 2011, and debuted on October 3, 2011 Biography of Fame is a boyband Indonesia. Fame was formed in September 2011 yesterday after going through several rounds of auditions. Although a newcomer to the world boyband, but the determination and commitment has been firmly entrenched in their minds. Their struggle from embryos boyband to get to level i-pop, really admirable. Why use the word 'FAME'? This name has an extension that is Fashionable, Artistic, Mission, Entertainment. In mengwujudkan entertainment, they always put fashion and artistic. The nickname for the fans Fame is FAMOUS. 123456789 is the main song was released in 2011.

What is Boyband?

Boyband is a pop music group consisting of three or more members who are young and very energetic. they sing and dance in every show they perform or their. they are usually in the form of a management or record producers held auditions way or the other, in which the participants will be tested looks, her singing abilities and dancing skills or dancenya. they usually do not play an instrument himself. they put on tape. and is currently in the boyband a distinct trend among teenagers. How not, every day is always crowded discussed amid the haunts young women are boyband. Not least in my class. Every day they would otherwise be discussion boyband or girlband korea movie definitely. What is clear the discussion is not far from the Korean people . The band that Palin often I hear from their mouth is super junior. At first I was confused by what they are talking about. But gradually I began to understand that what they were saying well it's about personnel boyband. actual bands are also there but why on mbahasnya boyband whereas the other bands no less cool with the boyband. but let those who judge everything.

Indonesia Jazz Music Lyric

Could it be - Raisa

Kau datang dan jantungku berdegup kencang
Kau buatku terbang melayang
Tiada ku sangka getaran ini ada
Saat jumpa yang pertama

Mataku tak dapat terlepas darimu
Perhatikan setiap tingkahmu
Tertawa pada setiap candamu
Saat jumpa yang pertama

Could it be love, could it be love
Could it be, could it be, could it be love
Could it be love, could it be love
Could this be something that i never had

Could it be love
Mataku tak dapat terlepas darimu
Perhatikan setiap tingkahmu
Tertawa pada setiap candamu
Saat jumpa yang pertama

Could it be love, could it be love
Could it be, could it be, could it be love
Could it be love, could it be love
Could this be something that i never had

Could it be love, could it be love
Could it be, could it be, could it be love
Could it be love, could it be love
Could this be something that i never had
Oh mungkinkah ini cinta

Could it be love, could it be love
Could it be, could it be, could it be love
Could it be love, could it be love
Could this be something that i never had

Could it be love, could it be love
Could it be, could it be, could it be love
Could it be love, could it be love
Could this be something that i never had

Maliq & D'essentials -  Untitled

ketika, kurasakan sudah
ada ruang di hatiku yang kau sentuh
dan ketika, ku sadari sudaht
ak selalu indah cinta yang ada dihatiku
mungkin memang, ku yang harus mengerti
bila ku bukan yang ingin kau miliki
salahkah ku bilakau lah yang ada di hatiku
adakah ku singgah di hatimu, mungkinkah kau rindukan adaku
adakah ku sedikit di hatimu
bila kah ku mengganggu harimu, mungkin kau tak inginkan adaku
akankah ku sedikit di hatimu
bila memang, ku yang harus mengerti
mengapa cintamu tak dapat ku miliki
salahkah ku bilakau lah yang ada di hatiku
kau yang ada, di hatiku
bila cinta kita tak kan terciptaku hanya sekedar ingin tuk mengerti
adakah diriku, oh singgah di hatimu dan bilakah kau tau,
kau yang ada, di hatiku
kau yang ada, di hatiku
adakah ku, di hatimu

Music Lyrics

Nothing Gonna Change My Love for You - George Benson
If I had to live my life without you near me 
The days would all be empty 
The nights would seem so long 
With you I see forever oh, so clearly 
I might have been in love before 
But it never felt this strong
Our dreams are young and we both know 
They’ll take us where we want to go 
Hold me now, touch me now 
I don’t want to live without you.
Chorus 1 
Nothing’s gonna change my love for you 
You oughta know by now how much I love you 
One thing you can be sure of 
I’ll never ask for more than your love.
Chorus 2 
Nothing’s gonna change my love for you 
You ought to know by now how much I love you 
The world may change my whole life through but nothing’s gonna change my 
love for you.
If the road ahead is not so easy 
Our love will lead the way for us like a guiding star 
I’ll be there for you if you should need me 
You don’t have to change a thing 
I love you just the way you are.
So come with me and share this view 
I’ll help you see forever too 
Hold me now, touch me now 
I don’t want to live without you.
Chorus 1, Chorus2, and Chorus 1 again
Chorus 2, Chorus 1, and Chorus 2 again.

How Deep is Your Love - Bee Gees
I know your eyes in the morning sun
I feel you touch me in the pouring rain
And the moment that you wander far from me
I wanna feel you in my arms again

And you come to me on a summer breeze
Keep me warm in your love and then softly leave
And it's me you need to show

How deep is your love
I really need to learn
Cause were living in a world of fools
Breaking us down
When they all should let us be
We belong to you and me

I believe in you
You know the door to my very soul
Youre the light in my deepest darkest hour
Youre my saviour when I fall
And you may not think
I care for you
When you know down inside
That I really do
And it's me you need to show
Repeat and fade

Careless Whisper - George Michael
Time can never mend the careless whispers of a good friend
To the heart and mind, ignorance is kind
there's no comfort in the truth
pain is all you'll find

Should've known better

I feel so unsure
as I take your hand and lead you to the dance floor
as the music dies, something in your eyes
calls to mind the silver screen
and all its sad good-byes

I'm never gonna dance again
guilty feet have got no rhythm
though it's easy to pretend
I know you're not a fool

Should've known better than to cheat a friend
and waste the chance that I've been given
so I'm never gonna dance again
the way I danced with you

Time can never mend
the careless whispers of a good friend
to the heart and mind
ignorance is kind
there's no comfort in the truth
pain is all you'll find

I'm never gonna dance again
guilty feet have got no rhythm
though it's easy to pretend
I know you're not a fool

Should've known better than to cheat a friend
and waste this chance that I've been given
so I'm never gonna dance again
the way I danced with you

Never without your love

Tonight the music seems so loud
I wish that we could lose this crowd
Maybe it's better this way
We'd hurt each other with the things we'd want to say

We could have been so good together
We could have lived this dance forever
But noone's gonna dance with me
Please stay

And I'm never gonna dance again
guilty feet have got no rhythm
though it's easy to pretend
I know you're not a fool

Should've known better than to cheat a friend
and waste the chance that I've been given
so I'm never gonna dance again
the way I danced with you

(Now that you're gone) Now that you're gone
(Now that you're gone) What I did's so wrong
that you had to leave me alone

George Benson

George Benson (born March 22, 1943) is a ten time Grammy Award winning American musician. He began his professional career at twenty-one, as a jazz guitarist.

Benson first came to prominence in the 1960s, playing soul jazz with Jack McDuff and others. He then launched a successful solo career, alternating between jazz, pop, R&B singing, and scat singing. A one-time child prodigy, he topped the Billboard 200 in 1976 with the triple-platinum album, Breezin', He was a major live attraction in the UK during the 1980s, and still has a large following. Benson uses a rest-stroke picking technique similar to that of gypsy jazz players such as Django Reinhardt. He has received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Traditional Music Instrument of Indonesia

Traditional Music Instrument Indonesia - As a people of a country of Indonesia is very rich in culture, this time I will write more about one of the cultural richness of Indonesia, Indonesian Traditional Musical Instruments. Previously, I have also been writing articles on the theme of culture of Indonesia such as Indonesia Traditional House, Traditional Dances Traditional Clothes of Indonesia and Indonesia.
Indonesian Traditional Musical Instruments or commonly also referred to the musical Indonesia area very much because usually each province has a traditional instrument respectively.
Below you can read a collection of articles dealing with the types of Indonesian Traditional Musical Instruments in the various provinces. Hope can be useful.


Angklung is a musical instrument that is traditionally grown in the West Java. This musical instrument made ​​of bamboo, sounded shaken by (the sound caused by the clash of bodies bamboo pipes) so as to produce sound.


Drum is a traditional musical instrument that has been used since thousands of years ago, which has functioned as a means of communication in ancient times, both in religious rituals as well as communication between people. Currently Bedug typically used to notify the public when entering the fard prayer time. Drum are usually used when people hold Takbir around to greet Eid or Eid-ul-Adha.


Judging from the shape, many people equate Calung the Angklung. Although almost the same, but the way the instrument sounds very different. Angklung sound that came out just shaken, while the way by beating Calung should hit the poles.


Comes from the Javanese Gamelan, which means hitting or beating. Some of the province is still wearing gamelan custom events as East Java, Central Java and in Bali. Gamelan is now also used for the more well-known as a very popular comedy show on television that is Opera Van Java (OVJ).


Kacapi musical instruments are very popular among the people of Sunda and used when events related to culture.

Indonesian jazz singer

Raisa Andriana

Raisa Andriana (born June 6, 1990), is the soloists newcomer in Indonesian music industry. Raisa, so call, first sang at the age of 3 years. The first song she sang was the song A Whole New World, a song from the movie soundtrack cartoon ALADDIN.

Raisa yourself grow up learning vocal techniques of the songs are often heard. Bina Nusantara International University student was studying singing style of his favorite musicians. Raisa too influenced by Brian McKnight, India Arie, Stevie Wonder, JoJo, Joss Stone, Alicia Keys, James Ingram, Mariah Carey to Whitney Houston.


Teuku Adifitrian or better known as Tompi (born in Lhokseumawe, Aceh, 22 September 1978, age 34 years) is a jazz singer and host Indonesia. He is known through Bali Lounge album and his solo album.
Born and raised in Lhokseumawe Aceh, vocal character is influenced by the traditional singing of Aceh and study the Quran. Besides singing, she is a doctor graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, and has earned his plastic surgeon also from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia in 2010. He released his album with singer Alda Rizma Elfariani. For him, singing is not a profession over, but the fun sidejob.

Gleen Fredly

Glenn Fredly Deviano Latuihamallo or known by the name of Glenn Fredly original male Ambon, Maluku, which is a solo singer.
Got talent singing since I was young. No wonder in his home trophies lined up a variety of forms. However, the journey was not as smooth as Barry Manilow people think. Since its early years, Glenn has had to deal with the rigors of life. Starting from the paperboy to be the conductor.
Beginning his career began when he became the lead singer "Funk Section". In 1995 (a year after he graduated high school in 1994) Funk Section launched an exclusive album nicely packaged.
Three years later, Glenn singing solo and launched an album titled to capitalize GLENN 8 songs. In this album there are 3 songs that are sung by Glenn that "You" and "Enough Already" and "MAMA CARS" which became hits in Malaysia.
On 3 April 2006, Glenn married singer Dewi Sandra. Their marriage caused controversy because Glenn was previously rumored as the third person in the household goddess before. Marriage is still ongoing even though they are different religions. The wedding reception was held at the Tirtha Bali, Pecatu, South Kuta and closed to journalists. However, On March 12, 2009, their marriage foundered.

History of Dave Koz

Dave Koz (born in Encino, California, March 27, 1963, age 49 years) is an American smooth jazz saxophonist.

Koz followed William Howard Taft High School in Woodland Hills, California and performed with saxophone as a member of the school jazz band. He then graduated from UCLA with a degree in mass communications in 1986, and only a few weeks after graduation, he decided to become a professional musician. Within a few weeks after the decision, he was recruited as a touring member of Bobby Caldwell. During the remainder of 1980, Koz served as a session musician in several bands, toured with Jeff Lorber. Koz is a member of Richard Marx's band and toured with Marx throughout the late 1980s. He also played in the band was short-lived CBS The Pat Sajak Show, with Tom Scott as the leader of the band. [1]
In 1990, Koz decided to pursue a solo career, and began recording for Capitol Records. Her album there include Lucky Man, The Dance, and Saxophonic. Saxophonic nominated for both a Grammy Award and NAACP Image Award.

Below are some of the instruments created by dave koz:

1. Again togther
2. You Make Me Smile
3. Face of The Heart
4. Lucky Man
5. The Dance
6. and much more.

History of Saxophone

Saxophone come from Belgium, made ​​by a clarinet player and instrument maker named Adolphe Sax in early 1840. About how the emergence of the idea of ​​making Saxophone itself is not clear, and experts concluded that one possibility is born of the experimental results Saxophone Sax with Clarinet, Adolphe Sax also famous for its redesign Bass Clarinet, with two separate registers an octave instrument.

Although according to research Saxophone born in 1841, but more appropriate if the year of his birth is at Sax patented his creation in 1846. Sax patents Saxophone 2 family includes the family of the orchestra (in C and in F) and the family band (in Bb and Eb in).

Use of this Saxophone pertaman time to surface by the Companions of the Hector Berlioz Sax in 1942. its use in the orchestra is very rare, only a few are using it like a classical composer Berlioz, Maurice Ravel, and the German composer Richard Wagner.

Saxophone technical developments can be divided into two phases, namely when the patent valid and afterwards Sax. In the first phase, change and progress is slow, and saxophone mechanism is simpler, more similar to the clarinet. But after the patent runs out in 1866, appears much Saxophone maker that eventually lead to a more rapid development technically. even so, in the 150 years of its development, the basic foundation Saxophone is not much changed from the initial design. at first saxophone widely used in military bands. Until well into the 1900s, saxophone slowly began widely used, one of them in the show and dance band Vaudeville replace the violin.

Musical Instrument Saxophone


Saxophone is a musical instrument types aerophone. This means that the instrument has a sound source based air vibrate. These instruments belong to the woodwind instrument although the basic ingredients of such instruments are made ​​of metal. General description saxophone: saxophone body can be seen clearly from the cone-shaped, the material is made of thin metal. To get nadanadanya, long tubes made ​​18-20 hole or orifice valve tone with a diameter greater adjust the shape of the tube. In part that is closer to the mouthpiece, there are two small valve opening point to play high octave tones. Saxophone pick 4 types: Baby Sax, Alto sax, tenor sax, and baritone sax.

Musical Instrument

This instrument is an instrument that is created or modified for the purpose of producing music. In principle, anything that produces sound, and can be arranged in a certain way by a musician, can be called a musical instrument. However, the term is generally reserved for devices intended specifically for music. Field of the study of a musical instrument called organologi.

There are several ways to play a musical instrument:

1. be blown
examples of wind instruments are flute, trumpet, saxophone, and many more.
2. be quoted
examples of stringed instruments are guitar and harp.
3. swiped
example stringed instrument is the violin.
4. be pressed
example of a musical instrument is a piano pressed.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Kind of Music

Music has many genres. Examples such as: Jazz, Blues, Country, Pop, Rock, and many other musical genres in the modern era like now.

Jazz Music

Jazz is the kind of music that grew out of the merger of blues, ragtime, and European music, particularly band music. Several subgenres are Dixieland jazz, swing, bebop, hard bop, cool jazz, free jazz, jazz fusion, smooth jazz, and stream music CafJazz.Jazz are from the United States early in the 20th century with the roots of African music and many use Eropa.Musik jazz guitar, trombone, piano, trumpet, and saxophone. One important element in jazz is syncopation. One band from Indonesia that jazz is barylikumahuwa, maliq & d'essentials, and much more

Blues Music

Blues is the name given to both musical form and musical genre created primarily within the African-American communities in the Deep South United States at the end of the 19th century hymns, work songs, field hollers, shouts and rhythmic simple narrative ballads. The blues everywhere ... in the form of jazz, R & B, and rock n roll is characterized by a chord progressively limited to twelve bar chord sloping progression of the most common tones oblique, noted that for the purpose of expressive sung or played gradually flattened or bent (minor 3rd to 3 major) connection with the field of the major scale.

Blues genre is based on the blues form but have other characteristics such as specific lyrics, bass lines and instruments. Blues can be divided into several subgenres ranging from country to urban blues that are more or less popular during different periods of the 20th century. Best known are the Delta, Piedmont and Chicago blues styles. World War II marked the transition from acoustic to electric blues and the progressive opening of blues music to a wider audience. In the 1960s and 1970s, a hybrid form called blues rock revolution.

Country Music

Country music is a blend of elements of American music that originated in the United States and the Southern Appalachians. The music is rooted in North American folk songs, Celtic music, gospel music, and developed since the 1920s. The term country music began to be used around the 1940's to replace the term hillbilly music memorable condescending.

What is music?

Music is the sound received by the individual and vary based on history, location, culture and tastes of a person.

Music has the ability to reconcile a troubled heart, has a recreational therapy and foster patriotisme.unsur soul-music elements are:

1. tone
Sound can be divided into a high tone that has a certain tone or tuning by frequency or by distance relatively high pitch tone against the benchmark. The difference between the two-tone tuning referred to as interval. The tone can be set in scales vary. The most common scales are major scales, minor scales, and pentatonic scales.

2. rhythm
Rhythm is the arrangement of sound in time. Bars is a division of the beats in time. Time signature indicates the number of beats in time signatures and note which ones are counted and considered as a single tap. Certain tones accentuated by administering the pressure (and the distinction duration).

3. notation
Music notation is written depiction of the music. In the notation beam, depicted vertically pitch while time (rhythm) is depicted horizontally. These two elements form the staves, in addition to the basic instructions tone, tempo, dynamics, and so on.

4. melody
A melody is a series of tone in time. The series can be sounded alone, ie without accompaniment, or may be part of a series of chords in time (usually a series of the highest tone in the chord-chord).

5. harmony
Harmony in general can be said as the incidence of two or more tones sounded simultaneously by different height, although harmony can also occur when the tones are sounded consecutively (as in arpeggio). Harmony consisting of three or more tones are sounded simultaneously is usually called a chord.