Music is the sound received by the individual and vary based on history, location, culture and tastes of a person.
Music has the ability to reconcile a troubled heart, has a recreational therapy and foster patriotisme.unsur soul-music elements are:
1. tone
Sound can be divided into a high tone that has a certain tone or tuning by frequency or by distance relatively high pitch tone against the benchmark. The difference between the two-tone tuning referred to as interval. The tone can be set in scales vary. The most common scales are major scales, minor scales, and pentatonic scales.
2. rhythm
Rhythm is the arrangement of sound in time. Bars is a division of the beats in time. Time signature indicates the number of beats in time signatures and note which ones are counted and considered as a single tap. Certain tones accentuated by administering the pressure (and the distinction duration).
3. notation
Music notation is written depiction of the music. In the notation beam, depicted vertically pitch while time (rhythm) is depicted horizontally. These two elements form the staves, in addition to the basic instructions tone, tempo, dynamics, and so on.
4. melody
A melody is a series of tone in time. The series can be sounded alone, ie without accompaniment, or may be part of a series of chords in time (usually a series of the highest tone in the chord-chord).
5. harmony
Harmony in general can be said as the incidence of two or more tones sounded simultaneously by different height, although harmony can also occur when the tones are sounded consecutively (as in arpeggio). Harmony consisting of three or more tones are sounded simultaneously is usually called a chord.